How to make your hair grow faster? | Top 5 tips that actually help with hair growth.

3:12:00 PM

Hello Chicsters!

I have always believed that my hair is my crowning glory and so it needs the same amount of TLC that my skin does. When you google ways to grow your hair you will come across tons of articles but sometimes its the simplest of techniques that help you achieve your goals. Here are the top 5 tips that have actually helped me in the past to grow my hair faster.

How to make your hair grow faster? | Top 5 tips that actually help with hair growth. 

Dietary changes: 

Your step one to make your hair grow faster has to be dietary changes. Eating your way to healthier hair is the best way. Including omega 3’s & protein-rich food in your diet can help kickstart your hair growth. They nourish the hair follicle to give strands that are healthier, stronger & shinier. 

Reduce styling: 

Another great way to help your hair grow faster is to reduce or even completely ditch your hair styling tools. Particularly heat styling tools like hairdryers, straighteners, tongs, curlers all can damage your hair and cause your hair to get brittle and eventually break. I usually like to air dry my hair most of the times instead of blow drying it. I also always make it a point to use heat resistant sprays before heat styling my hair. 

Finding the underlying issue: 

To increase hair growth one of the most crucial things that need to be done is to check and get medical help if needed. There may be many reasons that can cause your hair growth to get stunted. Some of the reasons may be hormonal imbalance, stress or even the medicines that you may be using. So check with your doctor to get to the root of the problem.

Shampoo Less, Condition more: 

One of the best things you can do for your hair when you are trying to grow it long is investing in a good conditioner. Most of the time people skip out on conditioners and spend their money on shampoos which is really shocking. More shampoos are loaded with sulfates which can make your hair weak, in turn, opt for sulphate free options. Also, conditioners will help moisturise your hair strands, smoothen them and keep them frizz-free which in turn will lead to fewer split ends and breakage. The best way to end this routine is by rinsing your hair with cold water as this helps close the pores, reduces moisture loss and heat damage. 

Haircare routine: 

Just as to achieve flawless skin you need a good skincare routine, in the same way, to achieve healthy hair you need a good hair care routine. My hair care routine comprises of many elements but the most important of all is a good Hair oil. It has been proven medically time and again that oiling your hair and scalp can help increase your hair growth. The one that I am currently loving is the Nature Sure Thumba Hair oil.
How to make your hair grow faster? | Top 5 tips that actually help with hair growth -
Nature Sure Thumba Wonder Hair Oil  
The Nature Sure Thumba Wonder Hair Oil is an Ayurvedic Hair Tonic formulated with herbs that help fight scalp infections and nourish hair follicles. Thumba Wonder Hair oil is made from Thumba or Bitter Apple that is known to help prevent greying, hair fall and has been observed to increase hair count and length. It has also been noted to reverse the signs of alopecia & baldness. Thumba has been medically proven to bring 70% of hair follicles back to its growth phase. Thumba has also been found to significantly help reduce the time required to initiate hair growth and take to its completion phase faster. Overall, I find this product to be an all-rounder when it comes to hair growth. You can get it now at www.naturessure.compost signature

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  1. Such wonderful tips you have shared and I agree that proper hair care routine can help a lot!! Thanks for sharing

  2. im going to include omega 3 in my diet, and also use th oil you have recommende.. im facing severe hairfall

  3. Hey. Loved all your practical and doable tips for hair growth. I truly believe in being minimalist and increasing good food intake for hair growth too.

  4. This oil sounds like a life-saver! I will surely check it out. I have been having Omega 3 and Biotin for a while now and it has helped me. I am guessing that the oil will help me nourish the roots to tip of my hair.

  5. great tips for hair care and hair growth. nature sure is great brand and this hair oil looking amazing, will check out this for sure.

  6. These are some really helpful tips to grow hair faster. I am having hair loss since last 2 months and my hair have literally stopped growing. I will check this wonder hair oil.

  7. Amazing hair tips definitely I am going to follow this I just love long hair...

  8. Hair care routine is really so very important. Thats a new product, didnt knwo about it. Let me cehck

  9. Yes i agree less styling can do wonders. The more coloring and styling harms a lot. This produ ts looks great with omega3 in it.

    - Ujjwal Mishra MywordsMywisdom

  10. Haircare routine can be different for different people. Good tips here. I'm using this hair oil too and agree that it has good benefits.

  11. Such good tips.. Thanks for sharing as I was looking for them. All the point are so relevant and can be applied.

  12. Because I have less volume, I have been instructed to reduce the use of conditioner. It's working well and I can see the difference in volume.

  13. Agree, with your points, for good hair we need to take care of our diet and seek medical advice if necessary, Like the thouht on shampoo less and condition more

  14. You have mentioned very nice tips here. Healthy food and healthy lifestyle also helps to achieve great hair.

  15. Much needed post as I am battling hair issues at the moment. Will try these tips buddy to work on my hair, thanks a lot for sharing them

  16. Yeah I find that having a right dietary Patten and less chemical treatment really works. Also using paraben and sulfate free shampoos also help.

  17. Right now I am going through the hair fall due to Postpartum issues but I will definitely try these tips that you are my hair fall can stop

  18. Truly a beautiful and useful post for the hairstyle. Many thanks for giving such an informative post. Braided Wavy Hairstyle

  19. I have read your blog it is very helpful for me.I love long hair with the whole heart. Those are really an excellent tips for the healthy hair.

  20. What a fantabulous post this has been. Never seen this kind of useful post. I am grateful to you and expect more number of posts like these.. you have give us beautiful tricks and tips to create a different kind of beach wave hairstyles.. Thank you very much..Everyday Waves Hairstyle

  21. This product is amazing and I try this. It works well. To improve hair growth also take plant based biotin supplement.


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