Top 5 tips to maintain a healthy Liver

4:44:00 PM

Hello Chicsters,

Your liver is one of the most important players in your body’s digestive system. Right from cleaning your blood to breaking down your food and drinks, your liver helps your body in all these functions. So here are Top 5 tips you can follow to maintain a healthy liver.
Top 5 tips to maintain a healthy Liver
Tip 1: Don’t abuse alcohol
One of the main reasons for liver damage is abusing alcohol.  Alcoholic beverages, when consumed in excess, can cause many health issues including damage to the liver. They can swell or scar the liver or destroy the liver cells which can in turn cause liver cirrhosis. As per some research, men shouldn’t have more than two drinks a day and women should have no more than one. 

Tip 2: Shed those extra kilos
Keeping your weight in check is another way to keep your liver healthy. With those extra kilos come health risks that can damage your liver. If your obese or even overweight there is a chance you might develop a fatty liver which can turn into non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease can then turn into liver cirrhosis. The only way to avoid this is to keep your self healthy and shed those extra kilos. 

Tip 3: Have a healthy balanced diet
Having a healthy balanced meal can, in turn, help you avoid developing a fatty liver. The key yo having a healthy and balanced meal is to reduce the amount of saturated fat, trans fat and hydrogenated fat. These kinds of fats are found usually in deep-fried foods, red meat, dairy products, processed food, etc. The liver usually stores this Rather increase the intake of fibre and protein in your diet. You can include fruits, vegetables, white meat, beans, nuts, fish, etc. 

Tip 4: Get vaccinated
The best way to avoid viral liver infections like Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B is to get vaccinated. Hepatitis A is contracted from contaminated food and water. While as Hepatitis B is contracted from sexual contact, contaminated needles and blood to blood transfer. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine as of yet against Hepatitis C that is contracted in the same way as Hepatitis B.
Top 5 tips to maintain a healthy Liver
Tip 5: Supplements
Another way to maintain a healthy liver is by considering Liver supplements. One good option is the Good Liver Ayurvedic capsules by Nature Sure. These capsules are formulated to detoxify the liver, aid metabolism, promote digestion, maintain healthy hepatic function and help protect the liver again alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis. Nature Sure Good Liver capsules also support the healing of the gut, lymph and the gall bladder. These capsules help increase the production of bile and reduce the damage caused by free radicals. Now available at

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  1. Healthy life style goes a long way in many things. Excess pressure on the liver can cause long term effects. And to avoid that keeping a check on our habits is very important.

  2. Having discipline in life is key to good health.The pointers mentioned by you are very apt and if people follow them then they do not have to worry.So healthy life style is must.

  3. My mother has used this product from nature sure and had really good experience. Indeed this one is best for detoxification of liver.

  4. could u tell me if these capsules are gluten free. being meaning to buy health supplement for liver for some time, this looks promising.

  5. I can definitely try good liver, and think I need it to improve my present health conditions and stay healthy.

  6. Yeah sometimes supplements are the best but I think we non vegetarians have more nutrient options unless we over do it.

  7. Having a disciplined life style and a balanced diet with control on alcohol is the best way to treat ones body well. I try to keep these things in check for my entire family to make sure they are fit n fine.

  8. Having balanced diet and sheading out extra fats and kilos are really important to stay healthy...I really loved the practical tips!!

  9. Seriously I was thinking about some liver strengthen capsules. I think I can try this with the suggestion of my doctor.

  10. Timely check on health is very important and every organ plays its own role. You list is complete for healthy liver.

  11. Yes as rightly pointed out by you, Liver is a vital organ of our body and these pointers surely help in maintaining a healthy Liver. My father too is now focusing on reducing weight and healthy lifestyle.

  12. Thank you for sharing this with me I have an relative who is having liver issues and have liver is really weak will share the supplement with her

  13. I thought one can have a healthy liver by avoiding smoking and alcohol. Never knew there were supplements for it too. This seems like a good product.

  14. My husband was facing some digestion problem, gas etc and now he is taking good liver everyday. He has got some good result infact their lung pure is also very good.

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